Proposal to conduct HSC and equivalent examination from September 11
published 29 May, Wednesday, 2024 17:24:41
Proposal to conduct HSC and equivalent examination from September 11

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The Board of Education has proposed to conduct the HSC and equivalent exams from September 11. This proposal has been made to the interim government. Dhaka Education Board Chairman Tapan Kumar Sarkar told the media this Tuesday evening.

Due to the situation arising out of the quota reform movement in government jobs, the HSC and equivalent examinations were postponed several times. First, the last July 18 exam was postponed. Then the exams of 21, 23 and 25 July were simultaneously postponed. After that the examination was postponed from July 28 to August 1. Later it was decided that the HSC and equivalent exams will be conducted in the new schedule from August 11. However, on August 7, the examination controller of the Dhaka Education Board. The notification signed by Abul Bashar informed that the exam is not being conducted on August 11. Examination has been postponed due to unavoidable reasons. A source in the education board said that after Sheikh Hasina resigned from the post of Prime Minister and left the country, the trunks containing the question papers were damaged in attacks on police stations in different areas. The examination has been suspended for this.

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